If Aristotle was right and the middle is the safe ground, why does society glorify those who live on the edge? Are they living the lives we wish we had? Or are they there to help us feel content in our safety far from their recklessness?
The world judges us for what we are, while we see ourselves for what we want to be.
Reason is the great illusion. Intellect seduces us like a master magician. We are so focused on our reason and self-determination that we don't see the left hand of instinct taking rationality out of the box and putting emotion in its place.
The perfect man is not the happy man. For happiness comes from achievement and perfection implies fait de compli - nothing needs to be achieved.
There are no inherent laws we are beholden to; therefore we must choose by what laws we wish to live.
The only thing that gives anything meaning in the universe is conscious thought.
Many things in life do not happen for a reason. Quite the contrary: we choose to give meaning to the random in order to assert our control over chance.
What is best for the individual cannot align with what is best for society. For society strives for the betterment of all while the individual can always improve his lot at the expense of his neighbor.
For Intelligence to mean anything it must replace Nature - supersede it. for if it co-exists harmoniously with nature it serves no purpose. Intelligence must be better than Nature - otherwise we are simply brutes with too much power.
To transcend the spirit which we've been given; to go beyond the sum of our experiences; to be more that what we are: this is the task that lies before the rational man.
Fate is the acceptance of one's inability to change one's circumstances. Dreams are the inability of one to accept one's circumstances. Are not all men fated to dream?
The need for companionship is so deeply implanted that to rebel against it is looked upon as perverse. But are not most friendships based upon convenience and proximity? Is that not a perversion of true friendship?
Peace of Mind is achieved through the separation of our thoughts from our lives. for if our lives have no cares or worries they can have no purpose.
Morality is not Justice. The good deeds of one can easily impinge on the rights of another. Morality is justification.